My Mom’s Picadillo Recipe


my mama used to always make picadillo when i was a little girl. it was an easy and healthy dinner (never really noticed the veggies til now) haha so naturally, i make this often for my boys.

i used: 1 lbs each of organic beef , 1/2 chopped sweet onion, 1 carrot, 1 zucchini, 1 potato, 1 tomato, 3 minced garlic cloves, and LOTS OF SPICES. 1tsp each — cumin, garlic powder, paprika and pink salt - use more salt if needed. don’t be shy.

DO: throw in the minced garlic cloves and onion in a pan with avo oil on high. dice up the carrot, zucchini, potato and tomato. once the onion is clear and it smells fragrant, add the veggies and sauté them for a few minutes. add the meat, spices and mix well. cook until the meat is fully brown, about 20-25 minutes. put the lid on once meat is cooked and turn the stove to low. let it cook for another 15 minutes or so and give it a try without burning yourself. season to taste and if the veggies are a bit hard, let it cook for a little longer. i’m not a pro but my taste buds will let me know if something tastes awful or it needs more time so you be the judge 🤷🏻‍♀️😎

it’s seriously so good. add rice, chips, guac, greens, etc. hope you try and love it! 


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